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David Brin(David Glen Brin) USA (1950 - )
 Series (シリーズ)
> Uplift (知性化)
  1. Sundiver (1979) 『サンダイバー』ハヤカワ文庫 (1986)
2. Startide Rising (1983) 『スタータイド・ライジング』ハヤカワ文庫 (1985)
Earthclan (omnibus) (1987)
3. The Uplift War (1987) 『知性化戦争』ハヤカワ文庫 (1990)
4. Brightness Reef (1995) 『変革への序章』ハヤカワ文庫 (2001)
5. Infinity's Shore (1996) 『戦乱の大地』ハヤカワ文庫 (2002)
6. Heaven's Reach (1998) 『星海の楽園』ハヤカワ文庫 (2003)
> Kil'n
  1. Kil'n People (2001)
2. Kil'n Time (2006)

 Novels (小説)
The Practice Effect (1984) 『プラクティス・エフェクト』ハヤカワ文庫 (1986)
The Postman (1985) 『ポストマン』ハヤカワ文庫 (1988)
The Heart of the Comet (1986) (with Gregory Benford) 『彗星の核へ』ハヤカワ文庫 (1988)
Earth (1990) 『ガイア -母なる地球』ハヤカワ文庫 (1996)
Glory Season (1993) 『グローリー・シーズン』ハヤカワ文庫 (1999)
Sky Horizon (2007)

 Collections (短編集)
The River of Time (1986)
Otherness (1994)
Tomorrow Happens (2003)

 Chapbooks (行商本)
The Other Culture War: Beleaguered Professionals vs. Disempowered Citizens (2005)

 Graphic Novels (絵本)
The Life Eaters (2003)

 Game Books (ゲーム本)
Tribes: It's 50,000 B.C. Where Are Your Children? (1998)

 Novellas (中篇小説)
Piecework (1991)

 Short Stories (短編)
Dr Pak's Preschool (1989)
Free the Mississippi? (2005)
Doing a Slow Turn (2006)
Singularities and Nightmares: The Range of Our Futures (2006)

 Series contributed to (シリーズに貢献)
David Brin's Out of Time (with Sheila Finch)
1. Tiger in Sky (1999)

 Second Foundation (第2ファウンデーション──アシモフの後を継いで)
3. Foundation's Triumph (1999) 『ファウンデーションの勝利』ハヤカワ文庫 (2004)

 Star Trek : The Next Generation (スタートレック「新宇宙大作戦」)
Forgiveness (2001)

 Star Wars (with Matthew Stover) (スターウォーズ)
Star Wars On Trial: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Debate the Most Popular Science-fiction Films of All Time (2007)

 Anthologies edited (アンソロジーを編集)
Project Solar Sail (1986) (with Arthur C Clarke)

 Non fiction (ノンフィクション)
The Transparent Society (1987)
Extraterrestrial Civilization (1989)
Contacting Aliens: An Illustrated Guide to David Brin's Uplift Universe (2002) (with Kevin Lenagh)
King Kong Is Back!: An Unauthorized Look at One Humongous Ape! (2006)

 Anthologies containing stories by David Brin (ブリン作品を含むアンソロジー)
Robots (1988)
Full Spectrum 2 (1989)
The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories (1992)
Full Spectrum 4 (1993)
Alien Pregnant by Elvis (1994)
The Ascent of Wonder (1994)
War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches (1996)
Far Horizons (1999)
Year's Best SF 4 (1999)

 Short stories (雑誌等に単発で発表した短編)
The Postman (1982)
The Crystal Spheres (1984)
Cyclops (1984)
The Warm Space (1985)
Thor Meets Captain America (1986)
Bubbles (1987)
The Giving Plague (1988)
Ambiguity (1989)
Dr Pak's Preschool (1989)
Sshhh... (1989)
Myth Number 21 (1990)
Piecework (1990)
What Continues...And What Fails... (1991)
Bonding to Genji (1992)
Detritus Affected (1993)
NatuLife(R) (1994)
Those Eyes (1994)
Paris Conquers All (1996) (with Gregory Benford)
Life in the Extreme (1998)
Hugo (nominee)
Hugo (nominee)

Hugo (nominee)

Hugo (nominee)

 Awards (賞)
Hugo Best Novella nominee (1983) : The Postman
Nebula Best Novel winner (1984) : Startide Rising
Hugo Best Novel winner (1984) : Startide Rising
Hugo Best Novella nominee (1985) : Cyclops
Hugo Best Short story winner (1985) : The Crystal Spheres
John W Campbell Memorial Award Best Novel winner (1986) : The Postman
Hugo Best Novel nominee (1986) : The Postman
Nebula Best Novel nominee (1986) : The Postman
Hugo Best Novellette nominee (1987) : Thor Meets Captain America
Prometheus Award Best Novel nominee (1988) : The Uplift War
Nebula Best Novel nominee (1988) : The Uplift War
Hugo Best Novel winner (1988) : The Uplift War
Hugo Best Short story nominee (1989) : The Giving Plague
Hugo Best Novel nominee (1991) : Earth
Hugo Best Novel nominee (1994) : Glory Season
British Fantasy Society Best Novel nominee (1996) : Brightness Reef
Hugo Best Novel nominee (1996) : Brightness Reef
Arthur C. Clarke Award Best Novel nominee (2003) : Kil'n People
John W Campbell Memorial Award Best Novel nominee (2003) : Kil'n People
Hugo Best Novel nominee (2003) : Kil'n People
